Fall weather is right around the corner. Now is the perfect time to start planning for September! We have many great offerings for bowling and volleyball leagues. Stop in or send us an email to abby@...
Summer Games Have a Ball Bowling Leagues Tuesday 9-Pin Wednesday Random Challanges Thursday Regular $20 per week and your choice of Brunswick/Radical/Track/Ebonite/Comumbia 300/Hammer/DV8 No...
We're hosting a Veteran's Day 9-pin Touney on Sunday November 10th. Bowling starts at Noon. $20 per bowler will get you 3 games of 9-pin tap (9 pins down on the first ball equals a strike) bowling and shoes....
Summer leagues are now forming. Volleyball, Baggo, Horseshoes, & Bowling! No matter your skill level, we have an activitity for you! Stop in or call us today about signing up~~ 262-886-5151 ~~ More info available under the Bowling Tab and The...
Our 2nd Annual Baker Trios Tournamnet returns on April 20, 2019. $150 per team, 675 team average cap (averages based on 2017-2018 season) The tourney is limited to the first 24 teams that PAID IN FULL, so get those entries in asap!
Signups for our outdoor summer leagues have begun. Deadline to sign up is April 26th! Check our pages thelaneson20.com/baggo & thelaneson20.com/volleyball for more details and the sign up sheets.
We're look for a few indiviual bowlers for Thursday and Friday nights in our mixed leagues to fill the last spots on a few teams. Wednesdays 5-man team Men's League is looking for one more team of 5 to even us out at 8...